Monday, June 2, 2014

Final Blog

This year has gone by so quickly. I can believe that it is almost over though, I have put countless hours into projects, homework, tests and presentations. Now that this school year is coming to an end, it is the appropriate time for me to reflect on the project I had the school year to do... the twenty percent project. I did not have too much success in this project. I changed my idea after the first semester to a completely different idea. That is when my other blog came in. I really hope that people who read my blog we touched by the things I wrote. I really put in time writing on my other blog and taking pictures for it. It is just that not many people saw what I wrote because it was not really publicized, I posted a link on Facebook but never really told people to view it. That was where I could have improved. Writing the blogs on my other blog helped me cope with some of my personal problems, and I do not regret it. So take the time to check out what I did, here is the link
Peace out

Friday, May 23, 2014

Week 12

Three day weekend! In other words, three days to do homework. Today is tryouts for colorguard and I am pretty excited to see our incoming freshmen. After tryouts my two best friends and I are getting In-and-Out from a friend. We are then going to go to my house to watch movies. But the rest of my weekend will consist of taking pictures for a bonsi convention, so I can earn money and homework. I plan on finishing my presentation on Monday and practice saying it so I have confidence to present, when the time comes. I think my project is okay, but I just wanted to make a bigger change and get some feed back on my photos. Last week I posted on my other blog and it felt good to have posted it. This week is our second to last blog and then summer.
I hope my presentation goes well, and isn't a bumpy road for me :D (it is a joke, and I took this picture in January)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Week 11

Hey guys! Guess what is in two weeks... we are presenting our twenty percent project. Dun Dun Duuunnn! To be honest I am quite excited, although nobody has commented on my blogs and said things like, "thanks, that helped my day!" I still think I was able to help some people. My views from my blog have increased, which I am very happy about and I have still been posting. I am going to use a prezi for my presentation and keep things simple. I plan to map out what i am going to say, and rehearse it plenty of times. I will start creating my presentation tonight or tomorrow so I have enough time to prepare. On Sunday it was mothers day, so my dad and I went to the beach to release balloons in her honor. It was a tough weekend, but I am glad I got a chance to think about me mom. I am planning to post something about mothers day on my other blog today. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Week 10

Our twenty percent projects are due along with a presentation in three weeks from today.  I do not know how I helped people because nobody has told me that I have helped them. I need to get more page views and plan to create a new instagram account because nobody really reads blogs, and instagram is all about pictures which helps me out a lot. I plan to make the account really soon, so I have more time to post things and gain followers. I have already posted pictures that have the same thing on my blog, on my personal account, so I am not sure if I want to create another account on instagram. Now that I think of it, I will just post some of the pictures that are on my blog, and see the reactions of my friends. Here is a picture I recently posted on instagram and will post on my blog.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Week 9

As I mentioned in my last blog, my sister's due date for her baby was on Easter, April twentieth. It turns out that my sister actually had her baby that day! My dad and  I drove five hours to the area where my sister and her husband live to visit the baby in the hospital. We stayed overnight on Sunday and left Monday evening around six. Because I was at the hospital I was not able to make it back in time for school on Monday. When I returned I had a lot of make up work to do. As you can tell, this week has been pretty busy for me. I only took pictures of my niece and family at the hospital, I did not have time to take pictures of anything else. However, I do plan on taking more photos this week to develop more ideas for my blog.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Week 8-

Happy soon to be Easter! On that note, my sister's due date for her and her husbands baby is in two days (Easter), and I am extremely excited to be an aunt. Just last weekend my team and I just finished our season for the rest of the school year and are now focusing on tryouts and field season. I know have more free time to focus on photography. I am really interested in photojournalism  now that I have been posting on my other blog. I have been pretty productive with writing on my other blog. I have posted twice in the past eleven days. It feels good to be productive. Now I am focused on being more productive and posting on the other blog more often.
Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to watch General Conference for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I listened to many amazing talks, and found some more topics for me to blog about on my other blog, here is my next idea...

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Week 7 - VEGAS WEEK!

Well, first things first! Vegas is this weekend! The guard is leaving on Friday during sixth period and we are leaving Vegas Sunday afternoon. I am excited to spend the beginning of Spring break with my friends in Vegas. I will take a picture and post it on here.
I am back from the trip, and this is the view that my roommates and I had from our hotel room. We stayed in Circus Circus. Our varsity guard also got first place! It was an amazing feeling to have all our hard work pay off. It made our stay in Vegas a very memorable experience, and we made so many memories that I will never forget. That is what I love about photos, they capture so many feeling and emotions in just one photo. Well that is it for this past week, now I am going to enjoy the rest of my spring break!
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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Week 6

Hey , hey, hey! So I had my sisters baby shower this Saturday, which was a very busy day. Things have been so busy and hectic but I have been taking photos. It is kind of stressful to find time to download all of my photos to my slow computer at home. I want to make an instagram account for my blog so I can post things more often. And instragram is much more popular than blogs. I posted a picture on instagram that I also posted on my blog and wrote a description of what the photo means to me. Some of my friends commented on the photo and many liked the picture. That is my next idea for my next post on my blog. I am excited to finally download the photos soon after my sister baby shower and after I go to Las Vegas next weekend to compete for colorguard, and over spring break. Here is another picture I took last week.
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Friday, March 7, 2014

Week 5- How does the beach look on a rainy day?

As I mentioned in my previous post, it had been rainy this past week and I wanted to take the opportunity to be able to go to the beach and take some photos. I went with one of my friends who is majoring in film. As soon as we got back in the car from taking photos, it started to pour. Since we are both the same religion religion, we also went to the New Port Beach Temple and took some pictures there too. I am going to write my next blog tonight because I know what I want to post next. I got some ideas from the beach for things that I could write about. Although, these next few weeks are going to very busy for me, I still need to find time to download the photos, tomorrow I will have some free time to download them. That is my plan for this week.
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Week 4- Say Cheese!

I hope you enjoyed my last blog that I posted. But here is a link to my actual blog, looking at the glass half full enjoy! Well, it does not really rain in California so I wanted to take some photos today of the rain. I will download the photos today or Sunday, if and when I have free time. I posted this past week and made a goal to post within the next two weeks. I have received more page views now that I have posted more often. This is my next idea for my next blog that I am going to write.I took the photo below, here is a sample. The picture displays how we do not always see the big picture, or we do not want to see the whole picture. Sometimes, we just only see what is in front of us. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Week 3

This past week, I have downloaded my photos to my computer and need to edit some if necessary. My plan is to not edit the photos too much, maybe just crop them. I have been thinking about some captions that I can use to make my photos more uplifting, and for the caption to actually go along with the photo. Not just have a random caption have nothing to do with my photo. Sometimes there is no caption needed, because one photo can expose many emotions. I want my pictures to make sense. Sometimes it is hard to come up with something that has an important meaning. It took me a while to come up with something about the photo here. I took the photo below in Old Sacramento, the stairs in the photo are what the clothes line lead to. The stairs display how in life, we choose our path, to either go up or to go down.  

Week 2 - Photoshoot

This past week I have found time to take some pictures at the beach. I will download the photos soon, when I find time and am not busy. Hopefully I will have time on Saturday or Sunday to download the photos. I will think of some captions as well. But I want to think of some other places that I can go to take pictures other than the beach. I am also going to brainstorm places where I can go to take some photos, and research some cool ideas online. Mr.Lee showed me some cool ideas for photos today in class, and that sparked an idea in my head. My roommate is studying film in college and enjoys taking to take pictures with me, she gives me advice as well as just taking me places.These are some of the things I have planned for the next upcoming weeks and I hope to post again on my other blog soon. Here is another photo I have taken.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Week 1

I have chosen to change my project, and write a blog about looking at things in a positive way. My partner and I agreed that our other blog didn't turn out exactly the way we wanted it to. So for my new blog, I will post photos and have a meaning behind each photo. I hope to inspire others who are going through a rough time in their life and are looking for help or advice. I plan to talk about some trials in my life that i have had to face head on. I wrote my first post in the beginning of January and have it posted already. I planned to have it as a personal blog, but now that I think about it, this is a perfect opportunity for me to use this blog as a project. I don't just think this new blog will help others, but I think it will help me emotionally as well. Here is a sample of one of the photos that I thought I would use for this problem.